How to find information about descendants of legionnaires?
We offer you an extended version of the search with a complete profile of your ancestor. Thanks to the extensive archive of details and particulars, it is possible to trace a lot of detailed situations that will surprise you.
Research activities with the creation of more than a century of family tree
by Colonel MVDr. Milan Žuffa-KunčWe can:
Reach out to parents, grandparents and living great-grandparents to get family information on your ancestors back to 1914-1918
When researching, save historical family photographs - with descriptions of the individuals in them
To get information about which of the family men joined the Great War and subsequently the Czechoslovak Legion
All the information about the wanted legionnaires will be supplied by the Museum of the Czechoslovak Legions
We can also write a military biography of a family legionnaire from 1914 - 1920 by arrangement
To order, fill in the form below
We're gonna need your help: Your ancestor's name and surname, and a list of everything you know about him.
We will work out the details of the research after you submit your completed form.
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